
Partnership between Fornetti România and Salvaţi Copiii-Filiala Timişoara Organisation

We are proud to announce that, from the end of this year, Fornetti Romania and Salvaţi Copiii-Filiala Timişoara Organisation, are partners. This is one of the most beautiful and important partnerships between us and a notorious organisation, recognised both locally and nationally for the wonderfull project that they create for the children and not only.

We are trully honored with this partnership, we plan to fully support the local organization of Salvati Copiii in all of their projects. We consider that their whealty experience is an important factor, and we intend that the next year also to be a trustworthy partner and to help, as much as we can, the Organization.

Salvati Copiii Romania has 25 years of experience, time in which the Organization developed projects to help the children, and by well-doing, education and perseverance they are able to change for the better the life of thousands of children every year.

In the end, we would like to thank the local branch of Salvati Copiii for their trust and for the chance they gave us to part of this beautiful project. Our sincere congratulations for the entire management and the employes for hard work, passion and determination.

Ne adresăm tuturor categoriilor de consumatori cu produse calde, proaspete, apetisante, într-o gamă sortimentală potrivită oricărei exigențe de consum.
Scopul fiecărei afaceri este obținerea de profit, cu riscuri minime. Sistemul de franciză Fornetti permite ca Dvs. să vă extindeţi oferta magazinului existent cu o investiţie mică sau să începeţi o afacere nouă, profitabilă.
Selecționăm cu grijă materia primă și ingrediente de cea mai bună calitate, aliniate la reperele unei alimentații sănătoase.